Stanford Cactus Garden

Except where noted, these plants are all growing in the Stanford Succulent Garden. Marsha McPheeters has identified the plants and contributed titles and commentary. The garden grows more beautiful as time goes on and the volunteers and staff make improvements, and as the plants grow and thrive under the direction of Christy Smith. Click the first thumbnail and follow the arrows, to see them all quickly.

AZGarden AgaveBloom AgaveOpening AgaveOpening1 AgaveOpening2 Blossoms
AZGarden.jpg AgaveBloom.jpg AgaveOpening.jpg AgaveOpening1.jpg AgaveOpening2.jpg Blossoms.jpg
CenturyPlant ClippingTips Fire Imprinting Lipstick MarshaMcP
CenturyPlant.jpg ClippingTips.jpg Fire.jpg Imprinting.jpg Lipstick.jpg MarshaMcP.jpg
NightHeron_10 NightHeron_11 NightHeron_13 NightHeron_14 NightHeron_17 NightHeron_18
NightHeron_10.jpg NightHeron_11.jpg NightHeron_13.jpg NightHeron_14.jpg NightHeron_17.jpg NightHeron_18.jpg
NightHeron_19 NightHeron_2 NightHeron_4 NightHeron_5 NightHeron_8 NightHeron_9
NightHeron_19.jpg NightHeron_2.jpg NightHeron_4.jpg NightHeron_5.jpg NightHeron_8.jpg NightHeron_9.jpg
OpuntiaBug P1010020 P1010024 P1010027 P1010029 P1010032
OpuntiaBug.jpg P1010020.jpg P1010024.jpg P1010027.jpg P1010029.jpg P1010032.jpg
P1010036 P1010039 P1010066 P1010080 P1010090 P1010093
P1010036.jpg P1010039.jpg P1010066.jpg P1010080.jpg P1010090.jpg P1010093.jpg
P1010101 P1010102 P1010103 P1010118 P1010122 P1010136
P1010101.jpg P1010102.jpg P1010103.jpg P1010118.jpg P1010122.jpg P1010136.jpg
P1010137 P1010142 P9180891 P9180903 Sedum Spider
P1010137.jpg P1010142.jpg P9180891.jpg P9180903.jpg Sedum.jpg Spider.jpg
Succulent Thistle    go back to Clint's Own Home Page    
Succulent.jpg Thistle.jpg