MEXICO '88 ........................A year after we met, Phyllis and I flew to the south of Mexico. We wandered by bus through Chiapas, and found a remarkable adventure — a river rafting trip through one of the most exotic places on earth. We had no camera, but I made a few sketches.

Just click the first thumbnail, then click the arrows above the drawings .
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BarTypes BusStop Dive Grandma JungleHut Juppi
BarTypes.jpg BusStop.jpg Dive.jpg Grandma.jpg JungleHut.jpg Juppi.jpg
  Knotting LacandonesSit Mayan MayanOld Mayans
  Knotting.jpg LacandonesSit.jpg Mayan.jpg MayanOld.jpg Mayans.jpg
MexicanMushroom PalenqueSide RiverBackground RiverPaddle UsumacintoRiver  
MexicanMushroom.jpg PalenqueSide.jpg RiverBackground.jpg RiverPaddle.jpg UsumacintoRiver.jpg